Change 1 Thing

Our Vision : SportExcel UK (formerly UK Sports Association) wants to see: A society that enables people with learning disability to excel and achieve their full potential.

Using the power of sport, SportExcel UK will achieve this by:

Promoting, facilitating and supporting talented athletes with learning disability in the UK to train, compete and excel in national and international sport.

What is Change 1 Thing? 

A campaign to raise awareness of learning disability and stimulate action for change.

Who is Change 1 Thing for? 

Ultimately, everyone – we all need to be the change we want to see.

However, to begin with Change 1 Thing is focussing on engaging with likeminded organisations from across various sectors in and out of sport.

How can you get involved?

By pledging your support to ‘Change 1 Thing’ and helping us to see change become a reality, whether in your own organisation or influencing others to change.

Put simply, if we all ‘engage!’ people with learning disability in different and better ways, together we can change perceptions of people with learning disability in and out of sport and importantly enable them to excel like anyone else.

A two page document giving full details on Change 1 Thing! is available by clicking here.

And for more details, please email