Rio 2016 hopeful Martina Barber returns to former college

Martina Barber talking to current sports students at North Hertfordshire College

Rio 2016 hopeful Martina Barber recently returned to her former college, North Hertfordshire College for a community visit.

The Rio 2016 hopeful presented in front of 150 sports students explaining her success and how she gained it. One big talking point which brought out some questions from the audience was her aim to compete at next year’s Paralympic Games in Brazil.

The community visit was also a chance for Martina to show how being an Ambassador for My Sport, My Voice! has helped her build confidence and develop as a person and athlete.

After the presentation she said: “I’m proud to be back to speak to the students I once knew. It was a really big challenge for me but I’m glad that I’ve done it.

“Being an ambassador for My Sport, My Voice! has helped me develop as a person and has built up my confidence.”

Martina is a prime example of what My Sport, My Voice! is doing for our young athletes and how by supporting them it can help them achieve their goals. UKSA hopes that visits and workshops such as these can help make more people aware that, with the right support, people with learning disability can achieve their goals in life.